The Benefits of Having a Staff in Recovery Themselves

Many treatment facilities have staff members who are on the path to recovery themselves. That includes our staff at the Lakehouse Recovery Center. It is not uncommon for people in recovery to enter into a career revolving around helping others recovering from addiction. 

Seeking treatment from individuals in recovery can be beneficial to your treatment. Mental health professionals in recovery themselves know to teach you how to find healthy coping skills for addiction or mental illness, but also have the experience to help you feel understood. This experience makes a huge difference in how receptive you are to treatment. Almost anyone can be educated on addiction recovery, but knowing your counselor or therapist understands what you are going through can provide you with valuable insight into your addiction and recovery. 

Bonding Through Recovery

People tend to bond with each other through shared interests or experiences. That includes bonding with others who are in recovery. This bonding strengthens your recovery as you learn from others’ experiences. That might include exchanging tips on how to cope with triggers or sharing what motivates you to maintain your recovery. It can even include attending support groups together or regularly spending time each week to check in with how everyone’s doing. 

Many times these bonds begin during recovery. You connect with your peers and continue to stay in contact. This helps to grow your support network and reduce the risk of relapse in early recovery.

Not everyone’s struggle with addiction is the same. Recovery journeys are not the same either. It is good to surround yourself with people who have different stories. You can learn something valuable from everyone’s unique narrative. It strengthens your understanding of how severe addiction can be and how different it looks for everyone. 

On the flip side, you may struggle to open up and connect with your peers. Perhaps you feel that addiction alone should not constitute a bond of friendship. In many ways, it should not. Your sober community should support you when you need it, but it is difficult if the only thing you have in common with some people is addiction. The bonds you form with others going through recovery can be a valuable addition to the support network you have already formed. Each person in your support network should help keep you accountable for your recovery.

The Importance of Accountability

What you may not notice about the relationship between you and your addiction treatment counselor is that it is a relationship of mutual support. While your counselor offers treatment and guidance, you are keeping them accountable for their recovery as well. Accountability is all about taking responsibility for your actions and is essential for a successful recovery. Peers and counselors can both help keep you accountable.

During your time in treatment, your counselor or therapist will guide you to take an honest assessment of your substance use and figure out the underlying issue. You will set goals to achieve throughout your time in treatment, and later on in recovery. Counselor-client relationships help keep you accountable during treatment, and sponsor-sponsee relationships will help keep you accountable in recovery. 

Think about how influential negative peer relationships were in exasperating substance use. Positive peer relationships are just as instrumental in your recovery. Counselor and peer support takes some of the pressure off you. You are the one responsible for your recovery, but it should not be a path of solitude. Everyone needs support and help staying accountable.

Addiction Recovery and Peer Workers

Some haven’t heard the term “peer workers” before. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), peer workers are “people who have been successful in the recovery process who help others experiencing similar situations.” Peer support services are sometimes offered in treatment and outside of treatment to you if you are looking to maintain a successful recovery.

Peer workers are integrated into many different roles or activities. Some of those roles include:

  • Leading recovery groups and providing mentorship
  • Advocating for people in recovery and educating the public 
  • Sharing resources and sometimes developing resources themselves 
  • Building relationships throughout a community 
  • Administering programs or agencies focused on providing addiction treatment and services

Many who enter into recovery become motivated to focus their careers or time on helping others. Becoming a peer worker is a great way to give back to others suffering from addiction. Not only do they get to help you through your journey, but they are held accountable for their recovery too.

Treatment and Recovery at the Lakehouse 

The Lakehouse Recovery Center is comprised of staff that is all in recovery themselves. We understand the courage it takes to ask for help, and we want to help you on your path to recovery today. Our own stories are proof that no case is hopeless. Anyone can achieve a happy and sober life focused on healthy relationships, accountability, and freedom from the despair of addiction.

If you or a loved one requires addiction treatment, please contact the Lakehouse today. We offer a family-like atmosphere where you will grow and bond together. You are welcome back anytime after leaving the facility to check in with staff and share your story of recovery.

Seeking help from people who are in recovery themselves is beneficial. Many treatment facilities have staff members who are in recovery. At the Lakehouse Recovery Center, we are comprised of staff members who are all in recovery. This helps us to relate better to our clients and understand the courage it takes to seek addiction treatment. No case is hopeless. Many people in recovery make a conscious decision to help others achieve recovery. They do this by becoming peer workers, sponsors, or mental health professionals. Being surrounded by peers and professionals who understand what you are going through will offer unique perspectives on maintaining recovery and keep you accountable. Whether you are seeking treatment or are in recovery and trying to help someone else start their path to recovery, call the Lakehouse at (877) 762-3707. We can help you help others today.